Stargate: Every System Lord Ranked Worst To Best

10. Yu-huang Shang Ti

Stargate System Lords

The System Lord Yu was the among the oldest of the Goa'uld that SG-1 encountered and had been present during the original banishment of Anubis. He was part of a delegation to Earth to discuss its admission to the protected planets treaty, which suited him as he was not engaged in operations in that part of the galaxy.

He emerged as one of the most dogged opponants to both Ba'al and Anubis, as the latter returned to power. He was the only member of the High Council of System Lords who voted against Anubis's return.

However, his age began to work against him. The revivification effects of the sarcophagus failed him and left him in such a position as he was unable to take a new host. He also began to show signs of senility, to the point where his first prime, Oshu, made a deal with Ba'al to keep his god safe, yet it meant leaving Ba'al unopposed.

In the time following Anubis's defeat, Yu was part of a second delegation that came to Earth - this time seeking help in the fight against Ba'al. However, once more his senility showed, as he believed they were there to discuss the threat of Anubis.

Yu finally died when the Replicator Carter infiltrated his station, stabbing him through the chest and ending his many thousands of years of dominion.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick