Stargate: Every System Lord Ranked Worst To Best

9. Heru'ur

Stargate System Lords

Heru'ur was, for a time, one of the most powerful System Lords in the wake of his father's (Ra) death. He claimed much of Ra's forces as his own, leading a vast army into battle. This was one of the key notes about Heru'ur - he led his forces, often fighting on the front lines. He may have been evil, but there was a sense of honour in his villainy.

He came into conflict with many around him, including Sokar. Upon discovery that Thor's Hammer had been destroyed on Cimmeria, he attempted to claim the planet - despite it being protected by the Asgard. Thor arrived and swiftly reminded him who was boss.

He was a bitter rival of Apophis, attempting to take his child, the Harsesis, though in this he was tricked again.

Seeing that the galaxy was becoming more and more unstable, he eventually decided that an alliance with Apophis was the best means of survival. He had captured Teal'c and offered him as a gift to the other lord, though Teal'c was able to escape. Apophis, feeling that Heru'ur had never intended to deliver the traitor, decloaked the fleet that he had hidden around them.

This fleet quickly destroyed Heru'ur's ship, killing him and leaving the rest of his forces to be swallowed up as part of Apophis's, returning the former Lord to some of his glory.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick