Stargate: Every System Lord Ranked Worst To Best

8. Nirrti

Stargate System Lords

Nirrti is the mad scientist of the Goa''uld, preferring to invest her time and energies in the studies of humans, attempting to evolve them so that they may be better hosts. However, she was forced to work in conjuction with Olokan before the Egypt Rebellion, even though she hated politics. She had, however, gained enough strength to become a formidable System Lord.

She had, thousands of years previously, murdered the Lantean scientist Lilith, who was trying to discover a way to create hybrid creatures to defeat the Ori. She took this knowledge with her.

She was later stripped of the title, but after Ra's death was able to gain it back. She accompanied Cronus and Yu to Earth, to take part in the Asgard peace talks. There, she was exposed after an attempt on Cronus's life and taken prisoner - only to escape years later after Cronus was killed by the robotic copy of Teal'c.

Her experiments eventually led the young girl Cassandra to the SGC, where after a booby trap placed inside her was disarmed, she was adopted by Dr. Janet Fraiser. Frasier would later hold Nirrti at gunpoint until she agreed to save Cassandra's life.

NIrrti would remain something of a thorn in SG-1's side until she finally captured them and found a new obsession in Jonas Quinn. His Kelownan herritage had meant he had evolved differently from the humans on Earth. Her fixation on him bought SG-1 the time they needed to convince the people of the planet she was on the she was evil.

She was killed by Wodan, an unfortunate local that she had disfigured, while giving him telekinesis. It was this power that he turned on her, snapping her neck.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick