Stargate Universe: Where Are They Now?

8. Jamil Walker Smith

Stargate Universe

Jamil Walker Smith played Greer, the troubled soldier who was always a hair's breath from going mad and shooting everyone on the ship. Despite this, Walker Smith managed to imbue him with a sympathetic portrayal so that he was clearly damaged, yet not irredeemable.

Before appearing in Stargate Universe, Walker Smith may have been best known to people of a certain age for his voice. From 1996 onward, he voiced the role of Gerald Johanssen in Hey! Arnold on Nickelodeon, a role he has returned to in several movies since the series wrapped.

Though his turn on Stargate Universe was one of his most significant on-screen roles, he continues to act, though he is also a writer, producer and filmmaker - making several projects of his own that he stars in.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick