10 Best Matches From WWF vs WCW/ECW Invasion

5. Team WWF vs The Alliance - Survivor Series 2001

In many minds, this match is a microcosm of everything wrong with the Invasion. It featured only two stars who had yet to début in the WWF prior to the summer of 2001 in Booker T and Rob Van Dam, while the other three members of the Alliance's team consisted of Stone Cold, Kurt Angle, and Shane McMahon - hardly the most WCW-affiliated men in existence. Luckily it also contained some of the most charismatic superstars in the company's history, a handful of true experts at playing with a crowd's emotion, meaning that for all the disappointments of the overarching angle itself, this final exclamation point was a good one. Importantly, the booking team didn't just draw the Invasion to an end with this match - they sowed the seeds for future feuds as well. Jericho's frustration with The Rock finally boiled over and he abandoned his team, turning fully heel in the process. Angle, meanwhile, revealed himself to be a double-agent and helped vanquish the Alliance once and for all. In truth, the match is tediously long at almost 45 minutes, but was booked well to keep things as fresh as they could be. It's a well executed ending to a storyline which deserved a lot worse. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xcqpa_team-wwf-vs-the-alliance_sport
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.