10 Best Matches From WWF vs WCW/ECW Invasion

6. Steve Austin vs Kurt Angle - Unforgiven 2001

In a rare instance of Vince McMahon actually putting over a hometown superstar, Angle won his second ever WWF Championship from Steve Austin in Pittsburgh. Unfortunately it would prove to be even less impressive than his first reign (in which he was shoved away from the belt to make room for the titanic Austin/Rock Clash at 'Mania), as this time he'd drop it back to Stone Cold on an episode of Raw that very same month. For one night, at least, Angle was the top dog of the company as he forced the Rattlesnake to tap out in front of a rabid hometown crowd. The match was hardly the best either man had either put on, but it was carried by the ridiculous crowd energy and the hot finish - which included an attempt from Kurt to end Stone Cold with a piledriver (a vicious callback to his neck-breaking incident with Owen Hart at Summerslam 1997). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aM1Z266PBMQ
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.