10 Best TNA Feuds Ever

7. Jeff Jarrett vs. Sting

Kurt Angle Samoa Joe

Slammiversary 2006 ended with a riot on the cusp of breaking out in the Impact Zone. Jeff Jarrett climbed the mountain again, securing his sixth NWA World Title win and sending the Orlando crowd into a blind rage.

As trash filled the ring, Vince Russo's favourite southern rassler celebrated with his coveted gold once again.

Jarrett's reign of terror, one that even Triple H's paled in comparison too, had been a staple of the early TNA years. While Jarrett worked well in the heel role, it was as plain as day audiences wanted just about anyone but him on top by '06. Fortunately, one of the most beloved and betrayal-prone babyfaces ever was on iMPACT and ready to make a move.

Despite sporting the gothic Crow look from his darker days as the nWo's nemesis (and inexplicable friend during the Wolfpac days for some reason), Steve Borden was a far more humanised character in TNA. A battle-tested veteran who'd gladly sided with TNA's young guard over Jarrett and co., Sting was a likeable crusader as per usual.

At Bound for Glory '06, with his career on the line, Sting got one last shot at finally sending his guitar-swinging nemesis packing. The eruption from the crowd when 'The Stinger' no-sold Jarrett's heavily over-used, signature guitar shot spot remains a seminal TNA/Impact moment to this day as does his feel-good title win shortly thereafter.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.