10 Best TNA Feuds Ever

6. AMW vs. Triple X

Kurt Angle Samoa Joe
Impact Wrestling

Anyone who's seen Elix Skipper walking the six sides of steel at Turning Point '04 is probably dumbfounded that he didn't wind up doing more. Here, both he and partner Christopher Daniels shined as the technically sound champs dealing with the topsy turvy America's Most Wanted.

For James Storm and Chris Harris (no one mention Braden Walker please), this angle shone a spotlight on them as one of the United States' most exciting duos at the time. While it may seem strange in 2022, many believed both had the potential to become major singles stars eventually back in '04.

Following a disappointing NWA Tag Team Title loss to Skipper and Daniels, Storm and Harris teased a split. Both showed signs of a potential heel turn and the pair even tried to settle their budding frustrations with one another in the ring. Fortunately for AMW fans, that heartbreaking break-up was still three years away and this was little more than a blip on the character development radar.

Putting aside their differences, the pair made a babyface hero comeback for a landmark showdown at Turning Point '04. AMW regained the gold from Triple X in a blood-soaked, steel cage extravaganza. As the Impact Zone lost their collective minds, these two teams put their feud to rest in jaw-dropping, bone-jarring fashion.

It remains one of the greatest matches in TNA/IMPACT history to this day and ended this gripping rivalry on a high note.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.