10 Best TNA Feuds Ever

5. Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett

Kurt Angle Samoa Joe

There are two vastly different rivalries between these two. One of them had Jarrett as a well-intentioned babyface returning from a long lay-off to butt heads with an overpowering, egotistical heel in Kurt Angle. It was a dramatic angle that ended in Jarrett being beaten to a bloody pulp in a classic bout at Genesis '09.

While this was all well and good, it's the second series between these two that really haunts the memories of wrestling fans to this day.

After word got out that Jeff Jarrett and Kurt Angle's first wife Karen had become an item, it really was only a matter of time before Vince Russo decided to make a, well, angle out of the whole thing. In late 2010, the seeds were planted when a heel-turned Jarrett, now believing himself to be an MMA fighter for... reasons, brutally assaulted the Olympic Hero.

Karen Jarrett was brought back to TV for the feud, with seemingly every match and promo revolving around her divorce from Jarrett's nemesis. It was all incredibly trashy but compelling in a way that reminded many of Russo's undeniably entertaining work during WWE's much-loved Attitude Era.

It helped too that Angle and Jarrett, regardless of their dynamic behind the scenes, displayed remarkable in-ring chemistry together. The pair ensured each bout was as intense and volatile as the rivalry demanded.

By the time Angle sent the TNA founder packing to Mexico, most fans couldn't help but be amazed by the lengthy run of insanity the feud had provided.


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.