10 Best Wrestling Matches NOBODY Watched

4. Cactus Jack & Kevin Sullivan Vs. The Nasty Boys (WCW Slamboree 1994)

Randy Orton Christian
WWE Network

The term 'best' is a loose one, dependent on the eye of the beholder. Describing Cactus Jack, Kevin Sullivan, Brian Knobbs, and Jerry Sags' plunder-filled brawl from WCW's 1994 Slamboree as such may not fit everyone's image of the word - but it should be acknowledged.

Held on the second Slamboree broadcast, which garnered a bleak 100,000 buys, Jack and Sullivan vs. The Nasty Boys acted as the second coming of their Spring Stampede match, albeit with Maxx Payne subbed in for ol' Kev and a rabid Philadelphian audience lapping up the savage display. The Chicagoan crowd who observed the Spring Stampede showing were no slouches, but this was a delirious, maniacal brawl in Philadelphia. If you're going to do a plunder-filled brawl correctly, it's hardly a bad place to start.

The ten-minute Broad Street Bully match was more of a drunken brawl outside your local boozer at 2am, spilling out across ringside, and featuring an outrageously entertaining off-the-stage table bump from Jack. It was way ahead of its time, occurring during a period when the closest thing to hardcore wrestling in WCW was a weak chair shot to the stomach, maybe one to the back, too, if you were lucky. Such table spots, although now contrived, were unique for the era, as were Cactus Jack and Kevin Sullivan's respective skillsets.

It was a bullish affair. A grotesque affair. A stiff affair.


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