10 Best Wrestling Matches NOBODY Watched

3. Brian Christopher Vs. Taka Michinoku (WWF D-Generation X: In Your House)

Randy Orton Christian
WWE Network

D-Generation X: In Your House was so horrendously appalling that, genuinely, you can switch the WWE Network to the subsequent In Your House after the opener without missing much. Triple H and way-past-his-prime Sgt. Slaughter's Boot Camp match was a saddening watch, Shawn Michaels and Ken Shamrock's WWF Championship headliner was a bizarre move in the immediate aftermath of the Montreal Screwjob, and, of the eight scheduled matches, four ended in a disqualification.

Business wasn't particularly booming, either. Only 120,000 homes purchased this card, a critical 48% drop from Survivor Series' 250,000 buys. It wasn't a Big Five pay-per-view, granted, but dropping this low following the most infamous shoot in pro wrestling history wasn't a good look.

The card's solitary saving grace was a scorching showdown between Brian Christopher and maiden Light Heavyweight Champion, Taka Michinoku. Neither was a renowned worker in the company - Michinoku received plaudits before and after his WWE run in Japan, whereas Christopher never got his rightful flowers - so their efforts here put them in that conversation, while instantly establishing the Light Heavyweight Championship as the workhorse title of the time. Christopher was particularly snug in his work, dropping Michinoku with an uncharacteristically sheerdrop German suplex while sporting a busted lip.

Although the division never took off like WCW's cruiserweights did, the match was paramount to the pair's Attitude Era legacies in spite of unsatisfactory WWE portfolios.


Can be found raving about the latest IMPACT Wrestling signing, the Saints Row franchise, and King Shark in The Suicide Squad.