10 Best Wrestling Matches Of The Week (August 1)

3. Drago vs. Hernandez (Ultima Lucha)

Hernandez Drago Ultima Lucha
El Rey Network

In the main event of the first night of Lucha Underground's season ending event, Ultima Lucha, Hernandez faced off against Drago in a match that had a Believer's Backlash stipulation. What that meant was that a certain group of fans where brought out to serve as lumberjacks and given leather straps to use on the wrestlers. 

Since Drago was the fan favorite, the Believers made it clear early on that they had no intention of using their straps against him when he was dumped outside. However, the Believers more than liberally beat on Hernandez anytime he was out of the ring.

In addition to the crazy people with straps on the outside, there were several great spots in this. Drago dove on Hernandez through a table. One Hernandez dive out of the ring was really noteworthy because Drago sidestepped him and spit some mist at him as he crashed to the ground.

Drago won this match after splashing Hernandez and getting the pin. There's still another great match from Ultima Lucha that will appear on this list, but we'll jump to WWE first for the second best match of the week...


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.