10 Best WWE Raw Cliffhanger Endings Ever
7. Shawn Michaels Turns On Hulk Hogan (4 July 2005)
"Zero explanation" fits this angle too, at least until it was over.
Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels were unlikely tag-team partners when they united in the summer of 2005. Both represented different eras in WWE; Hogan was part of the cartoonish, hype-heavy 80s, whereas HBK was a workhorse who had worked a more athletic style in the 90s. Their team was never built to last.
Amazingly, Michaels refrained from revealing his true intentions until he'd been beaten by Hogan at SummerSlam. After that, he extended the hand of friendship and said he just needed to know if he could beat Hulk. It was a wonderful piece of storytelling, and it began in the best possible way with a July 4th Superkick to the chops.
Again, fans didn't know what was running through Shawn's head when he did that, and he hadn't played heel since returning in 2002. To them, he turned on Hulk for no good reason, and that made him the villain. It also meant Raw went off the air with quite the cliffhanger.