10 Biggest Ever Heel Vs. Heel WWE Matches

7. Owen Hart vs. British Bulldog - Raw 1997

It was the match that crowned the first European Champion in WWE history. The match took place on February 26, 1997 in Berlin, Germany and aired on March 3. Owen was the tag team champion with Bulldog and they were heels. They were also brothers-in-law since Bulldog was married to Owen's sister Diana. The match was unique because you don't see heel tag team champions wrestling very often. Since it took place in Europe, Bulldog wrestled like more of a babyface that played to the fans while Owen did a lot of the great heel tactics he was known for. This match is one of the best in Raw history too. They were given about 15 minutes to wrestle a technical classic and that's what they did. It was no surprise that they had great chemistry since they knew each other so well as family members that were tag champs. After a number of great nearfalls, near submissions and great counter wrestling, Bulldog was able to win by countering a cradle. He was the first European Champion in WWE history. The team continued on for the rest of the year as part of The Hart Foundation with Bret hart. There's also a story associated with the match because Raw's ratings were poor for this show and it's apparently something that led to Vince Russo pitching to Vince McMahon the idea that they need to change the attitude of the company. Soon after this, Russo became a part of the creative team, McMahon was open to a lot of his ideas and WWE started to take off about a year after this with the Attitude Era going strong.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.