1. Papa Shango Ruins The Main Event Of WrestleMania
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x59ulf_wrestlemania-viii-hulk-hogan-vs-sid_sport What's the worst stage in wrestling to screw up? WrestleMania of course, but more specifically, the main event of WrestleMania. That worst case scenario became a reality for Charles Wright, aka The Godfather, during his Pay Per View début as Papa Shango. It seems an insanely big risk to thrust a new wrestler into the main event of 'Mania, even just as a run-in, which is probably why it hasn't been done since this one backfired in such spectacular fashion. Ultimately the WWF probably deserved this main event to feature a monumental screw up - it can be seen as just desserts for their atrocious booking. WrestleMania 8's main event was supposed to end as a disqualification, something which should never happen. Can you imagine shelling out for a 'Mania ticket only to have the main event end with a non-finish? Thanks to Shango, however, the DQ was made even worse. In the build up to big the Sid vs Hogan encounter, the creative team had booked themselves into a corner. Unwilling to make Sid - the hot new marquee heel - take a loss, they couldn't have Hogan win the match. However, they (and probably Hogan himself, let's be honest) were also unwilling to portray the Hulkster as weak or inferior to any bad guy. Shango was the solution. He was to run in and break up the pinfall following Hogan's big legdrop, only for Warrior to run in and help fight off the heels to send the fans home happy - theoretically happy, anyway. Unfortunately Shango was far, far too slow getting to the ring, and Sid was forced to kick out of the leg drop to save the match. That was a huge no-no at the time. NOBODY kicked out of Hulk Hogan's finisher, even in the main event of WrestleMania. Sid's manager Harvey Wippleman leapt up onto the apron, prompting the referee to call for the bell and throw the match out (despite no actual cheating taking place). Shango by this stage was just entering the ring, completely blowing the finish of the match and killing his heat. Due to the sheer scale of the mistake, it's easy to argue a case for this as the biggest screw-up in WWE history. Not only did it ruin the finish of the biggest match of the year, it also ruined Shango's big moment, made Sid look overly-strong for kicking out of Hogan's legdrop, and portrayed Hogan himself as a lucky beneficiary of a poor refereeing decision.