Public speaking can be difficult. Although it comes far more naturally to some than others, everybody knows how embarrassing a slip of the tongue can be in front of an audience. Spare a thought, then, for poor Teddy Long. The beloved SmackDown General Manager has been the butt of a few jokes over the years, but none moreso than his horrendous mix-up when introducing John Cena to a contract signing on a SuperShow edition of Raw. When listing the superstar's numerous accolades, Teddy mistakenly proclaims him to be "a two time WWE Champion, and a TEN time...WWE Champion." The conviction with which he says the word "ten" is fantastic, especially when he realises his mistake shortly after. The nail in Teddy's unfortunate coffin is his attempt to save face, shouting Cena's name with an extra little degree of enthusiasm. His face falls immediately once he's finished speaking, the poor guy.