10 Biggest Secret GENIUSES In Modern Wrestling

4. Xavier Woods

Danhausen AEW

Xavier Woods was never going to get the career plaudits of his stablemates Kofi Kingston or Big E - he knew that when forming The New Day, even stating that one of his aims was to see the perennially underutilised Kingston elevated to main event status. He doesn’t win a lot of matches, or even work a huge amount of them. All the same, he’s one of WWE’s most valuable assets, one of a few workers who most likely has a job for life if he wants it.

Woods’ charisma, attention to detail, and obvious deep love for the craft of wrestling allows him to improve anything he’s involved in. His decision to start playing the trombone (with no experience) helped turn the tide on a stable that wasn’t finding its feet. He might be the best comedic straight man in the business (witness him selling for the List of Jericho). He understands his place on the card but he knows his worth too, firing off zingers at any opportunity (“we are effectively cutting the ring in half” at WrestleMania 37 being a high point).

With all that and his Up Up Down Down format, Woods is, like The Miz, a performer of such slick, reliable professionalism as to be invaluable to a company like WWE.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)