10 Biggest WrestleMania Regrets WWE Must Have

3. Terrible Undertaker Matches

The Undertaker is more synonymous with WrestleMania than €˜Mr. WrestleMania€™ Shawn Michaels. Though his more recent bouts have been hailed as some of the greatest in history and were usually considered the match of the night each year, that wasn€™t always the case. If anything, Undertaker has been stuck with some of the worst opponents possible, which in turn led to some very bad and otherwise regrettable matches. For some reason, Vince thought it would be best for him to take on other giants or big men who couldn€™t work as well as his smaller opponents. But history has shown us that €˜Taker€™s best matches have historically been against smaller opponents; just ask Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, or Bret Hart. His match with Giant Gonzalez at WrestleMania IX is certainly his worst WrestleMania performance, and quite possibly the worst match in WrestleMania history. At WrestleMania XI he faced King Kong Bundy in another slow €˜two-giants-facing-off€™ match, only €˜Taker was far more agile. There was the terrible Hell in a Cell match with the Big Bossman at €˜Mania XV, which was overshadowed by a tasteless hanging segment immediately afterwards. Then there was his Casket Match with Mark Henry at €˜Mania 22, but no one really thought Henry could win, no matter how strong he really was. He also had a poor showing against Big Show and A-Train at WrestleMania XIX which, to be fair, was only bad because most of the other matches on the card were better by comparison. Finally, his main event Title match with Sid at WrestleMania 13 left a lot to be desired, as did his second bout with Kane at WrestleMania XX, which is remembered more for €˜Taker€™s return to the Deadman gimmick than the match itself. A fellow contributor suggested 10 alternative opponents that the Undertaker should€™ve faced at WrestleMania instead of the ones he actually did. If these matches had taken place instead of the ones that fans actually saw, then maybe Undertaker€™s WrestleMania record would be even more prestigious. You can view that article here: http://whatculture.com/wwe/10-wrestlers-the-undertaker-should-have-faced-at-wrestlemania.php

Alexander Podgorski is a writer for WhatCulture that has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 8 years old. He loves all kinds of wrestling, from WWE and sports entertainment, to puroresu in Japan. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Queen's University in Political Studies and French, and a Master's Degree in Public Administration. He speaks English, French, Polish, a bit of German, and knows some odd words and phrases in half a dozen other languages.