10 Biggest Wrestling Crimes WWE Committed In 2016

2. Continuing To Ignore Roman Reigns Apathy

Bayley Tyler Breeze

Roman Reigns isn't over as a top babyface. To any number of regular WWE viewers, that is hardly breaking news. Somehow, such knowledge hasn't registered with management, the promotion seem intent on pushing Reigns as a modern-day Steve Austin. Unfortunately for them, Austin's rise as a hero was organic.

When Roman won the 2015 Royal Rumble (almost 2 full years ago), fans booed the decision to crown him. Feeling forced into embracing a babyface they didn't want to, the core audience rebelled and Reigns has suffered the wrath of angry audiences ever since. That shows no sign of stopping.

It's like WWE don't understand how to listen to the fans. Banging their head against a brick wall time and time again, those in charge just won't stop trying to force the issue. Again, Roman Reigns is not WWE's top babyface hero.

He has other attributes, and may even work as a heel. As a smart-talking antihero, he's a flop. At this point, it's not even the man's fault, even he must wonder why his bosses aren't taking action.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.