A common criticism of Booker T during the last years of WCW was his unmistakable similarity to the Rock. Not only was he a similarly bombastic babyface, his "Book End" finishing manoeuvre was nearly identical to the Rock Bottom. Their feud was perhaps the most obvious of the Invasion, and the pair duly delivered in a series of hard-hitting contests. Their initial meeting featured a not-so-subtle nod to the fourth wall, with Rocky cocking his head, raising his eyebrow at the perceived similarity between himself and Booker, and proclaiming "who in the blue hell are you?". It was a rare acceptable moment of the Invasion, although many feel that Booker should have gone on to enjoy greater success in the aftermath - especially given his talent level. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2y082_wwf-summerslam-2001-the-rock-vs-boo_sport