10 Booking Steps For WWE Raw (Jan 18)

4. Alberto Del Rio Suckers Kalisto In

Following the Barrett vs. Kalisto bout, Alberto Del Rio could grab the microphone and address his Mexican countryman. Looking at first like he and his English team mate are about to batter Kalisto, Del Rio would instead remark that he has been impressed by how much fire the masked man has shown recently. The segment should be taken slowly, so that it suckers fans in as well as the babyface. Continuing, Del Rio could say that he will talk to the rest of the League Of Nations about bringing Kalisto into the mix. Smiling, he'd then say that he realises this isn't what Kalisto wants, he simply wants to entertain the fans and live out his dreams. Suitably suckered, Kalisto would accept a handshake from Del Rio, before being cruelly placed in his patented arm submission hold. All the while, Barrett could land kicks to the midsection of Kalisto. Releasing the hold, Del Rio would once again grab the mic and say Kalisto can now go back to being just like his friend, Sin Cara, on the injured list. When Cara returns, this would provide motivation for a tag-team match that could come in handy.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.