10 Dream Steve Austin WWE WrestleMania Matches We'd Rather See

9. Randy Orton

Steve Austin Roman Reigns WWE WrestleMania 38

This is one Austin would sign off on if he was able.

Anyone who has listened to the icon's podcast over the years, or his interviews on 'Broken Skull Sessions', will know how high he is on Randy Orton's work. Steve views the current tag-teamer as a real throwback to the way pro wrestling used to be, and he gets a kick out of Randy's heel work.

'Stone Cold' would have to carry most of the mic work for the feud, but Orton has improved on promos in recent years himself. In-ring, they'd click - Randy would be super-motivated to carry the workload if Austin was flagging 10-15 minutes in anyway.

That's assuming Steve wants to work for longer than 15; he might prefer a shorter bout, or one with various smoke and mirrors he can hide behind. Some sort of 'Street Fight' with weapons would let him do that. Randy would probs be game for that too.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.