10 Dumbest Things WCW Did To Sting

6. He Joined The New World Order


When a character spends over a year stalking and taunting the New World Order (nWo) to save the company of which he is the cornerstone, it is a tad hard to believe he would ever join their ranks, no matter what their personalities were like at the time. That didn'€™t stop The Stinger from painting his face red and black to become a member of the nWo€™s babyface spin-off, The Wolfpac.

Led by Kevin Nash, The Wolfpac seceded from the rule of Hulk Hogan€™s nWo Hollywood, embracing the cheers of fans everywhere. Up until this point, the only people who weren€™t in some version of the nWo were non-Latino Cruiserweight Division wrestlers, Ric Flair, and Sting. It would have been a tremendous show of solidarity if The Franchise of WCW stuck it out to represent the letters that made him famous.

Instead, he joined the club, threw on three new letters, and scared small children with his face paint that made him look like Brother Love. This was one of the few times where Sting was intolerable. But hey, it€™'s like they always say: If you can'€™t beat €˜em€ join €˜em.


Eric Delgado has been writing about professional wrestling for five years and has been involved in the professional wrestling business as a performer for ten. He is also the former host of Steel Cage Radio and has an irrational love for The Ryback.