10 Egocentric Wrestling Stars Who Believed Their Own Hype

3. CM Punk

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No article looking at the most arrogant performers in WWE history would be complete without analysing the career of one Phil 'CM Punk' Brooks. Undoubtedly, the man was a stellar attraction during his years under contract to the promotion, but he seemed to think that he was always fighting against the system, even though WWE made him a millionaire and pushed him hard.

It was difficult to listen to Punk's interviews with Colt Cabana last year, blaming WWE, Vince McMahon and Triple H for everything bad in the world, especially considering that organisation and those people helped make the guy wads of cash, enabled him to realise his dreams, and made him the longest running World Champion of a generation.

Instead of talking about the good times and realising that his hard work, talent and dedication had launched him to the forefront of the industry he once loved, Punk instead prefers to ramble on awkwardly about how he was never given the chance to main event WrestleMania. News flash, neither were Rick Rude, Curt Hennig or Ric Flair.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.