10 Egocentric Wrestling Stars Who Believed Their Own Hype

4. Hulk Hogan

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It's been theorised before that the only reason Hulk Hogan agreed to step aside for a while and drop the WWF Title to The Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania VI was because he had been ensured that he would win a future rematch and regain the gold, along with the top spot that holding the strap entitled.

Instead, Hogan would have to wait until 1998 to face Warrior, albeit in WCW for that promotion's own World Title. 'Hulkamania' was huge in the 1980's and early-90's, there can be no doubting that particular fact, the guy was everywhere and became a genuine, honest-to-goodness household name during the period, but the success went to his head.

Believing himself to be the biggest thing to ever happen to wrestling, Hogan clashed numerous time with Vince McMahon over his positioning. So big was the Hulk ego that the guy even believed he could single-handedly make TNA bigger than the McMahon empire, something which clearly proved to be a step too far even for the Hogan hype train. Nowadays, the man is still talking about making a big comeback and wrestling for the WWE Title, and it takes a certain amount of nerve to think that's possible.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.