10 Exact Moments Wrestlers Told WWE Creative “Enough Is Enough”

8. Neville Walks Out

Roman Reigns Dog Food

Behold the moment when Neville/PAC realised he was powerless to make WWE's top brass look at him as a credible ongoing concern. The Geordie native hadn't enjoyed his feud vs. Enzo Amore anyway, but probs hoped he'd be able to swerve it eventually and continue shining as a reborn heel promo machine who could also work excellent matches.


Neville rocked up to the 9 October 2017 Raw and was told by agents he'd be dropping the Cruiserweight Title to Enzo that evening. He'd been smashing every opportunity handed his way on the flagship and 205 Live since turning heel, but nothing seemed to be good enough for WWE.

Realising that, Neville decided it was time to go. He walked out on the organisation before Raw, then eventually managed to negotiate his release from contract following some lengthy, confusing back and forth. The flyer had seen enough to know he'd never be taken seriously.

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