10 Exact Moments Wrestlers Told WWE Creative “Enough Is Enough”

6. Seth Rollins Watches Babyface Fire Die

Roman Reigns Dog Food

What was running through Seth Rollins' head as he lay on the ground in Saudi Arabia at Crown Jewel 2019 is less of a mystery. He'd been one of the best babyfaces of WWE's entire year, but the creative team f*cked that up when booking Seth against Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' offshoot.

Their non-finish at Hell In A Cell borderline murdered the famous gimmick bout's entire lustre in minutes, and that led to the follow-up battle having this bizarre "Can't Be Stopped For Any Reason" tagline. Then, Rollins dropped the Universal Title to Bray and knew his workhorse baby run was over.

Fans had started to boo him before that, likely because he was being booked terribly.

Seth ended up turning heel less than two months after dropping the belt in October. That shift to the dark side might've saved his bacon - it handed Rollins some breathing room and eliminated the embarrassment of being heckled when playing hero.

Let's just say WWE's writers didn't get a Christmas card that year.

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