10 Expectations Vs. Reality For WrestleMania 31

4. Cena Might Actually Lose (For A Change)

Expectation: John Cena's demotion from the main event to the midcard has been welcomed by many fans. Cena is still one of the most featured performers on WWE TV, but he's nowhere near the title picture. After ten years on top, many people think that it's time that he step aside and take a reduced role. His dispute with US Champion Rusev is one of the most engaging of Cena's recent career. His promo work in recent weeks has been some of his best in ages and his match with Rusev at Fast Lane was good, too. Cena lost that match, passing out in the Accolade after being booted in the nuts. Cena, the man who beats everyone rather easily, lost to the still-undefeated Rusev. Will Cena lay down again on the grandest stage of them all? A victory over Cena at WrestleMania could do wonders for the career of Rusev. Reality: Do you remember what happened to Bray Wyatt last year? WWE spent months building Bray up just to have him get beaten clean by Cena in a match that really should have been better than it was. Expect the same thing to happen to Rusev. Cena wins this one, for himself and for all of America.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...