10 Expectations Vs. Reality For WrestleMania 31

3. The Undertaker Will Still Be Able To 'Go'

Expectation: WWE may refer to WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels as 'Mr. WrestleMania' but make no mistake about it: WrestleMania belongs to The Undertaker. The famed Streak, although now broken, sets The Dead Man apart from all others who have performed at the Grandaddy Of Them All. Because of the limitations of the gimmick and the decreased emphasis on workrate, 'Taker's early WrestleMania matches were usually far from exciting. But as the character evolved, so to do Undertaker as a worker. There might have been some blips along the way but, from WrestleMania 21 onwards, 'Taker could usually be counted on for a show-stealing performance and match. Undertaker's 'Mania performances against the likes of Batista, Edge, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and CM Punk were some of the best of his career. The matches with Shawn Michaels, particularly their WrestleMania XXV match, will be remembered as some of the greatest of all time. These outings are still fresh in the memory of a lot of fans and, despite his ailing health and a match with Lesnar that was hampered by his very real concussion, fans will still expect the 49-year-old 'Taker to rock the house come WrestleMania. Despite losing the streak, his appearance/match is still the biggest draw for sizeable portion of the audience.
Reality: The Undertaker will likely have a so-so match with Wyatt, possibly aided by a hot crowd, smoke and mirrors and all kinds of supernatural shenanigans. The truth is, The Undertaker is completely knackered and this, his one match of the year, will likely be a struggle for him.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...