10 Failed Heel Turns Of Popular Wrestlers

4. Jim Duggan - WCW (2000)

'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan has long been viewed as quite literally the flag-waving American for the bulk of his career. With 'Old Glory' in toe, 'Hacksaw' would habitually incite chants of "USA" throughout his matches and made a name for himself as an American patriot of the wrestling biz. So when 'Hacksaw' switched his allegiance and joined Team Canada, more than a few members of the audience were left confused.

Towards the end of Duggan's run in WCW, 'Hacksaw' was given a significant makeover. After six years with the promotion, Duggan had grown stale and had slipped into the background. The decision was made to have Duggan join Lance Storm's Team Canada in an attempt to repackage 'Hacksaw' as a heel.

Abandoning the stars and stripes for the maple leaf of 'The Great White North', Duggan cut his hair and shaved off his trademark beard. The results left Duggan barely recognisable to fans and it was certainly a dramatic departure from the 'Hacksaw' of old.

The heel turn was initially a shot in the arm for Duggan and made him relevant on TV again. However, after such a prolific run as Uncle Sam's poster boy, fans just didn't buy Duggan as a Canadian turncoat. After just three months, Team Canada turned on Duggan at Starrcade and he returned to his American ways.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!