10 Fascinating Facts About WWE In 2015

2. Roman Reigns Crashed WWE Network

WWE WrestleMania 31 Seth Rollins

Fans were p*ssed off when Roman Reigns won the Rumble, so much so that #CancelWWENetwork began trending on Twitter almost immediately after the pay-per-view. More people than WWE hoped would oblige, and folks started cancelling their subs with such ferocity that the poor servers couldn’t handle it.

Yes, Roman winning the Rumble crashed WWE's servers.

Obviously, this was all very, very silly, but it does go to show how Daniel Bryan-mania was still in full flow. Fans rebelled against the new chosen one; less so because it was Reigns, and more so because he had the outright cheek to be anyone other than their hero. Sadly for the fanbase, getting pushy wasn't going to work the same way it had in 2014.

Images of an open-mouthed Rock were meme'd overnight. He raised Roman's hand in victory at the Rumble, but was clearly uncomfortable when he heard all those boos raining down. To his credit, Reigns just smiled through the hatred and did his job as asked.

Still crashed the swanky new Network though.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.