10 Fascinating WWE King Of The Ring 2001 Facts
6. The Wrong Glass Was Used For The Entrance Way
It might just be the most stomach-churning sound in the annals of wrestling history: Shane McMahon's skull bouncing off the cement floor, akin to a kettle-bell being dropped onto the floor of a gym. Try as Kurt Angle might, his thrusting overhead suplexes weren't strong enough to vault Shane through the panes of entrance way glass, with one exception.
Both men were under the impression that the panes were sugar glass, a brittle substitute for actual glass that is commonly used for movie stunts. According to Angle, the person in charge of acquiring the set pieces got a more hardened glass instead of the breakaway substitute.
Neither was apparently clued in to that fact until Shane nearly cracked his head on the arena floor. Angle would claim that material was plexiglass, though that would not have shattered in the fashion that it did when Shane finally went through it.