10 Forgotten WWE Stables You Totally Don't Remember

9. Thuggin’ & Buggin’ Enterprises

Kurt Angle Luther Reigns Mark Jindrak

Members: Teddy Long, Mark Henry, Rodney Mack and Jazz.

When: 2003

Vince McMahon figured it was time to turn the clock back to Teddy Long's NWA/WCW days and see if the WWF ref could recapture magic as a manager in late 2002. WWE didn't bring back Doom. Instead, by 2003, they had Long enlist the likes of Mark Henry and Rodney Mack, then proudly boast about his new Thuggin' & Buggin' Enterprises faction.

Weirdly, Teddy also managed Christopher Nowinski for a spell, but he was quickly cut out of the group so creative could focus on the idea that Long's clients were held down. Unsurprisingly, that didn't really go anywhere, but Jazz joined Thuggin' & Buggin' around this time so the group had someone in the women's division too.

Mack was a prospect WWE had high hopes for, and Henry was finding his feet again after the 'Sexual Chocolate' days. Teddy might have been able to make something of the group had lazy storytelling not blighted the whole thing. Wrestling was never going to handle a topic this sensitive with any class, let's be honest.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.