10 Forgotten WWE Stables You Totally Don't Remember

8. The New Breed

Kurt Angle Luther Reigns Mark Jindrak

Members: Matt Striker, Elijah Burke, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn, Ariel and CM Punk (briefly).

When: 2007

Hardcore fans of Paul Heyman's ECW promotion were horrified by WWE's vision for the brand following a brief honeymoon period in 2006. Come 2007, Vince McMahon's plot thickened, and classic extremists like The Sandman, Sabu, Tommy Dreamer and Rob Van Dam were suddenly yesterday's news.

The New Breed of ECW stars were here. On paper, this wasn't an awful idea, but fans didn't really take to Matt Striker, Marcus Cor Von, Kevin Thorn, Ariel and Elijah Burke on the third brand. Then, CM Punk linked arms with the faction for a few weeks in some sort of bizarre sub-plot that didn't go anywhere worthwhile.

This stable formed to rival expectations for what WWE's ECW should be. They might as well have put McMahon in charge and had him lead a revamped Corporation opposite Heyman's originals. Actually, that would've been way better than what fans got.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.