10 Former WWE Stars Who Deserve Another Shot
4. Juice Robinson

The laid-back hippie CJ Parker is a footnote in NXT history, and the gimmick was so hard to stomach for hardcore fans WWE were attracting with the brand that they turned him heel. When that didn't work either, Parker grew tired of the monotony and requested his release in 2015.
He found his calling in Japan.
There, as part of NJPW, the renamed Juice Robinson has displayed more personality than he ever had as an eco-warrior, and he's become a two-time IWGP United States Champion. In fact, he's the current titleholder, and looks enthused by the faith New Japan management have shown in him. Now, WWE are coming calling again.
The Wrestling Observer claimed late last year that Robinson was on WWE's radar once more. Good, he should be. Juice has worked his butt off to remove the stigma of WWE failure, is close to hitting his prime, and has worked magic with everyone from Cody to Kenny Omega.