10 Fun Facts About My Trip To WWE WrestleMania 21

2. The Culmination Of Batista€™s Ascension

When Batista won the Royal Rumble in 2005, the story told between that triumph and his first WrestleMania main event against his mentor Triple H was executed brilliantly.

Being in the arena, it was a long show and people were tired by the time this match came on. The John Cena and JBL match had been decent but it almost cooled the arena down and there wasn€™t a lot of noise in the building.

Luckily, after HHH came out accompanied by Motohead playing his music live, and then the red hot Batista came to the ring, the show immediately had a main event feel. A guy beside me (who must have been in his 40s), talked to me about how he remembered going to the LA Sports Arena to see Hogan and Bundy at WrestleMania 2 and how glad he was that Triple H seemed like he was finally about to put someone over properly.

Their almost thirty minute match was paced incredibly well and even though I'd drank about a bucket of Coca Cola and I needed to go to the toilet, I was determined not to miss this main event. When The Animal hit the Batista Bomb, we all were jumping up and down and delighted that a new World Heavyweight Champion had been crowned, The Game had been dethroned and finally it looked like a new crop of stars were coming to take over the main event scene.


Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.