10 Greatest Family Feuds In Wrestling History

3. Vince McMahon Vs Shane McMahon

Roman Reigns Afa Sika

As the entitled, cocky heir apparent to the WWE fortune, a young Shane McMahon didn’t make for a natural babyface. Even as he put on surprisingly solid matches, fans remained eager to see the kid take a spill off the Titantron, or get flung through an uncooperative window by Kurt Angle.

How do you make the fans cheer for such an unrelatable figure? Put him in a feud with his far more evil dad. Shane became the hero by fighting for his family honour, standing up to the old man who was running around on wife Linda, the (kayfabe) least villainous McMahon.

Vince was as ever more than happy to make himself the company’s biggest heel, and Shane was eager to show off his in-ring chops, leading to a remarkably fun father-son clash at WrestleMania X-Seven. The two non-wrestlers weren’t at all out of place on the stacked 2001 card, putting on a riotous street fight which culminated in a wheelchair-bound Linda rising to kick her husband in the nuts to one of the all time biggest pops.

Vince would fight his kids on and off for years to come, but the build and blowoff to this feud makes it the best of the lot.

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Roman Reigns
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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)