10 Heartbreaking WWE Moments That Made You Cry

8. Eddie Guerrero Wins The WWE Championship

Roman Reigns crying

You'll struggle to find a bigger feelgood moment than this.

The late great Eddie Guerrero went through so much in his life, so to see him climb to the top of the WWE ladder meant much more to fans.

Latino Heat came to WWE from World Championship Wrestling in 1999, then slowly made his way up the midcard by holding the European and Intercontinental titles. He'd be fired and rehired, win the Tag Team straps with his nephew, Chavo, then finally get the chance to challenge for the WWE Championship.

Standing in his way was Brock Lesnar who, let's face it, everybody thought was going to win. Stories of Lesnar being on his way out of WWE hadn't surfaced yet, so it seemed like Eddie was just a stopgap on the way to WrestleMania XX. Everybody was wrong, in the best way possible.

The pop for the 1-2-3 was one of the loudest of the 2000s. To see a beloved babyface like Guerrero not only win the gold, but defeat a WWE project in Lesnar, was absolutely huge. He'd be going into WrestleMania as WWE Champion; it was all a fever dream.

Tears of joy reigned down because you could see how much it meant to Eddie too. The trust WWE had in him, the reward for working so hard, and the confirmation that the fans really loved him; it all hit home quickly.

Eddie jumping straight into the crowd after winning is a timeless moment in WWE history. It couldn't have happened to a better man.


When I'm not trying my hardest to visit all 50 U.S. states, I'm listening to music from the 80s, watching TV from the 90s, and reminiscing about growing up in the 00s. I'm currently living in Melbourne, Australia so WWE premium live events are on Sunday afternoons for me; the absolute dream.