10 Lost Gimmicks WWE Should Bring Back

7. The Resident Conspiracist

Batista Simon Dean

OK, so R-Truth circa 2011 went the wacky route by playing dress-up to promote one off pay-per-view battles with John Cena. That was classic Truth, and set the tone for his delusional, 'what the hell is going on?!' character to come. It did raise something intriguing though.

What if another heel hit the scene now and claimed that WWE's power players did everything they could to hold them down behind the curtain? Kayfabe wouldn't be much of a worry in an era when fans know a lot about what goes on backstage, and it could inevitably lead to some rating-popping skits opposite Triple H.

Just a thought.

If creative fancies going further, then why not have this conspiracy theorist allege that they've heard top stars like Roman Reigns or Charlotte Flair verbally bury other workers to management. If nothing else, it'd give someone fresh a weekly platform to vent and get themselves over with fans.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.