10 Lost Gimmicks WWE Should Bring Back

6. Bad Boy Rapper

Batista Simon Dean

John Cena hit the sweet spot of Eminem-inspired obsession with the bad boy rap game when he traded Vanilla Ice for a harder edge in late-2002. Naturally, pop culture has moved on since the days of Slim Shady, but clever rhymes will always get a reaction; just look at Max Caster of Acclaimed fame over in AEW.

People love those witty putdowns.

WWE should steal back some of that magic for themselves by debuting a lyrical genius on Raw, SmackDown or NXT again. Has this writer been watching too many classic Cena rap battles and promos from yesteryear on the Network/Peacock? Maybe, but it'd be a ticket to main roster success for someone if done right.

Nobody springs to mind immediately from the current crop, but that doesn't mean there isn't a trainee at the Performance Center capable of ringing off a few verses and making a name for themselves. Somebody would make the most of this if WWE put out feelers.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.