10 Magical Moments WCW Doesn't Get Enough Credit For
3. Crowning Booker T WCW World Champion
WCW has often found itself praised for crowning Ron Simmons as World Champion in 1992. In Simmons' own words, his title win was a statement for African-Americans in the industry, but it was also something he had worked tirelessly to achieve. The exact same can be said of one Booker T.
Throughout the late-1990's, Booker was one of the most eye-catching stars on WCW television. His matches were often amongst the best on the card, and he had charisma in abundance. Add to that the fact he shared a connection with fans, and the company had the potential for a new main event star on their hands.
It's stunning then that Booker didn't win the WCW World Title until the Summer of 2000. Amidst the mess of worked shoot nonsense between Vince Russo, Hulk Hogan and Jeff Jarrett, Booker was chosen to best Jarrett in the top bout of Bash At The Beach 2000 and bag the gold.
Pre-planned or not, Booker's win gave WCW fans a heartfelt moment that was increasingly rare in 2000. They had watched Booker's journey to the top, and they wanted to share his success with him.