10 Modern Wrestlers And Their Old School Equivalents

7. CM Punk & Roddy Piper

Chad Gable And Kurt Angle

CM Punk discussed in his documentary WWE: CM Punk - Best in the World, that he wanted to become Roddy Piper in his career. He was captivated by this guy who walked out and convinced a whole crowd of people to hate him, using nothing but his words. Punk wanted to p*ss people off, and that's exactly what he did.

Visually, there is nothing comparable between these figures. The late great Roddy Piper sported simple blue trunks and a kilt as his entrance gear, whereas Punk was an alternative guy, covered in tattoos and an - obviously - punk rock aesthetic. Still, the thing that makes the characters so comparable were their promos and attitudes towards the brass.

A harsh talking figure, who didn't care what people thought about him, and was even brave enough to tell Vince McMahon where to stick it - this could be a description of either the legendary Roddy Piper or the divisive CM Punk.

The latter indeed achieved his goals of being like Roddy Piper, as his energy and mic-work drew easy comparisons. Punk may not be wrestling anymore, but the links between him and the legendary figure remain.


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