10 Modern Wrestling Pops That Sent Shivers Down Your Spine

1. A Miracle On Bourbon Street

roman reigns raw

Terrible Michael Cole line aside, there is no hiding just how significant Daniel Bryan finally capturing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 30 was. WWE had decided months in advance that Batista was going to return at the Royal Rumble before beating Randy Orton in the main-event of WrestleMania for the title. He would then spend the summer as champ, promoting Guardians of the Galaxy as he did it, providing WWE with some of the sweet sweet crossover appeal they always desperately search for.

As much as the company have attempted to twist the narrative in recent years to suggest that they engineered the whole storyline, the reality is that the fans decided Daniel Bryan should main-event the Show of Shows, and if he wasn't going to, they were going to do everything in their power to change that. Following Batista's Rumble win, fans continued to chant for Daniel Bryan in almost every segment of Raw and Smackdown in the hope that WWE may finally listen.

Eventually, realising the main event of their biggest show of the year could be ruined if things stayed the same, WWE relented. Bryan went on to have one of the best opening matches in WrestleMania history against Triple H, before facing Batista and Orton in the main-event.

Though the match itself was a little overbooked, when Bryan locked Batista in the Yes Lock, you could feel the tension build as everybody in the arena waited for Dave to tap. When he finally did, months of pent up frustration with the product was released by fans, resulting in an earth-shattering pop to accompany one of the greatest WrestleMania performances of all time. It is a testament to the connection Bryan had with the WWE Universe that, on the same night The Streak ended, he was able to rouse them one final time to witness the culmination of his incredible journey.

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Roman Reigns
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