10 Modern Wrestling Pops That Sent Shivers Down Your Spine

2. Rated R Return

roman reigns raw

It was that sense of lost opportunity towards Edge, who it felt like still had several years left at the top, which added to the sheer elation fans felt when Edge finally returned at the 2020 Royal Rumble. Edge had made sporadic appearances for the company for much of the 2010s whenever the company needed him, inckludialmost being murdered by Seth Rollins in order to get The Authority back into power in 2014 because wrestling.

Rumours first began to circulate when Edge hit a spear on Elias at last year's SummerSlam, the first time we had seen him do any move since 2011. Even then, it was still cast off by many as a one-off. In the weeks leading up to the rumble, every dirt sheet under the sun was reporting Edge was set to the return at the Rumble, despite his claims to the contrary.

Thus when Edge stepped out as the 21st entrant in the Royal Rumble, it managed to retain much of its shock for the fans who don't read dirt sheets and those, much like this writer, who never truly thought that they would ever get to see Edge back in a WWE ring, and resulted in one of the most emotional pops of all time.

In this post: 
Roman Reigns
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