10 Modern Wrestling Pops That Sent Shivers Down Your Spine
4. "I'm In Remmission Y'all"
Isn't it nice to finally like Roman Reigns?
After years of fans booing Vince McMahon's latest pet project into oblivion, fans have finally come around to the fact that Roman truly deserves his spot at the top of the card. The Big Dog consistently delivers the best match no matter what card he is on, is an excellent ambassador for the company and knows how to present himself online (looking at you, Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman).
The uncomfortable truth is that fans would likely never truly have been able to come around to Roman had it not been for his devastating announcement in October 2018, when he came out to announce he was fighting leukaemia for the second time. After over three years of fans feeling like they were watching a caricature of the worst elements of John Cena and Hulk Hogan, they finally got to witness the real Joe Anoia'I. The open and honest account resulted in fans flocking to the man's side, as the whole wrestling world got behind Joe to kick leukaemia's candy-ass.
Therefore, when Joe stood in the ring in February 2019, and uttered that now famous quote, the State Farm Arena exploded in cathartic joy, as fans celebrated the victory of a man who refused to back down in the face of adversity. Since then, Roman has remained just as popular with fans as ever, and when he feels he is finally able to return to the company, which will likely be around when fans are able to return, you can be sure that the reaction will be just as thunderous.