10 Modern Wrestling Pops That Sent Shivers Down Your Spine

3. A Kiss Goodbye

roman reigns raw

There's a reason that CM Punk's storyline heading into Money in the Bank 2011 with John Cena is attributed by many disillusioned fans as what got them back into wrestling.

Punk exuded a sense of fire and rebelliousness not seen since prime Stone Cold Steve Austin, with his astonishing diatribe on the company on Raw sending shockwaves throughout the industry. For the first time in years, wrestling was cool again.

The pop as Punk entered the All-State Arena, in front of his hometown of Chicago, would have made this list on its own, had it not been topped by the pandemonium that accompanied his victory. Following a fantastic match, which received WWE's first five star rating from Dave Meltzer since 1997, John Cena's virtuous ways cost him the title, as he stopped John Laurinaitis from handing him the win, only to walk into a GTS which put him down for three.

With Punk's contract status still up in the air at the time, fans genuinely had no idea how the match was going to play out. However the crowd in the arena that night knew one thing, and that was that they wanted CM Punk walking out as champion no matter what. Therefore, when the referees hand hit the mat for the third time, and when Punk walked out of the arena through the crowd, it created one of the most bone-chilling pops of all time.

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Roman Reigns
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