10 Most Anti-Climactic WWE Moments Of 2017

6. Corbin's Cash-In

Kurt Angle Jason Jordan Raw 2017

Even if you absolutely hate Baron Corbin (and there's a good chance you do) you have to admit to being a little disappointed when his August Money in the Bank cash-in attempt ended with a roll-up pin victory for Jinder Mahal.

The Lone Wolf may not have yet been ready to lead SmackDown, but at the very least his winning the title on the eve of SummerSlam would have thrown the show into disarray, potentially opening up a new world of possibilities.

Instead, Corbin joined Mr Kennedy and Damien Sandow in the three-man list of wrestlers who have won MITB but failed to become world champions. If his WWE career ends up anything like either of those two, we'll know what to blame.

It was anti-climactic both for the moment itself and the fact that it represented a missed opportunity as a whole. That MITB winner spot could have been given to someone like Sami Zayn or Rusev instead; someone, in other words, who stood a far greater chance of making a proper fist of things in the WWE main event.
