10 Most Boring WWE Main Events Of All Time
1. Summerslam 1994 - Undertaker V Undertaker
What do you say about this cartoony nonsense? There is no possible way that viewers could ever get invested in something so stupid, no matter their age. But matches that are stupid can at least be entertaining. This one is however, uncommonly boring, even by the standards of mid-1990s WWF.
The whole lead up to the match doesn’t really need repeating because it’s ancient history and it’ll make you ashamed to be a wrestling fan. All you need to know is that in a desperate attempt to give this tacky abomination some sort of gravitas the match starts with slow motion posturing and stare downs, that become more and more agitating as the wait for anything at all to happen keeps getting longer.
There are some slow motion punches, an Irish whip, and then fake Undertaker goes outside for a break, as if he earned a breather from all the intense in-ring action he had just gifted the audience with. From then on it's basically the same garbage repeated over and over as if both these guys are wrestling in sand.
You don't need to watch this match – in fact, you shouldn't. If you're really curious to know what it's like, all you need to do is imagine all the worst parts of an Undertaker match turned up to 11, and then doubled. It's unbearable, harrowing, and tiresome beyond logical comprehension, and it’s hard to believe that a year later, things would be even worse in the WWF.