10 Most Boring WWE Main Events Of All Time
2. Wrestlemania XXV - Triple H V Randy Orton

This was basically your standard Randy Orton and/or Triple H match. It was technically sound, perfectly adequate, and it certainly looked fine. Like all of their matches, though, it was about as original as an episode of SmackDown! and about as exciting as a Stephanie McMahon promo.
In isolation, this match might not appear so mind numbingly boring. If it was on your average Raw episode constructed of filler, then you would be pretty stoked. Unfortunately, this was a Wrestlemania main event – and it was the main event on a stacked card that had already featured one of the greatest matches in company history.
Basically, the two guys plodded through the same spots that we had all seen a million times before, even by 2009. There was also a stipulation where Triple H would lose the title if he was disqualified. This was a great idea in theory because the DQ stipulation has always been a bugbear for wrestling fans. But given what had come before this match, it should have been abandoned, as this fight could have used anything at all to make it more interesting.
Unfortunately, relying on Triple H and Orton’s awfully limited move set made this one just too uninspired to be remembered as anything other than a boring let-down, and a sad closing to the biggest show of the year.