10 Most Boring WWE Main Events Of All Time

3. Survivor Series 2008 - Triple H V Vladimir Kozlov

This match is so unfathomably boring that at one point the crowd can be heard chanting for TNA. That in and of itself is really all that needs to be said about this prosaic and uninteresting affair.

As a rookie, Kozlov didn’t really have a chance of making a good impression in this match. He was supposed to be a technical wrestler, and thus he tried to bring that element of his character to the match. The problem was that he was facing Triple H, who had to lead the match with his arsenal of four moves. The crowd had been expecting Jeff Hardy – until he was attacked backstage and thus couldn’t fight.

If Hardy had started the match it could have been an interesting clash of styles. Instead, what we got was a bunch of okay-ish looking holds, followed by reversals, followed by holds, followed by reversals. Even when Kozlov tried impact moves, they were low impact moves that were unexciting, and Triple H did nothing to help change the pace. The whole thing moved as slow as a snail, and the mat wrestling failed to tell any significant story.

A couple of run-ins later by Edge and Hardy (who was okay apparently?!) and the whole thing just turned into a confusing schmozz. By the time the match was mercifully concluded with an awkwardly instituted screw job, the damage was done. Kozlov would be remembered as a boring guy who couldn't carry a match, and he'd be gone from the company within three years.

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